by George Nicholas Nasse
Publication 1149 National Academy of Sciences —National Research Council
Washington, D. C. 1964
12. Women’s Costumes
This project grew out of a suggestion given to me by Professor George Kish
in the spring of 1956. For a period of nearly four years, the project has progressed
at a slow but forward pace. I regard the completed dissertation not as the end of
the project but as the beginning of other projects concerning the region of the
I am indebted to a host of people and organizations. Professor George Kish,
my advisor for seven years at the University of Michigan, has been a source of
friendship, guidance, and encouragement. His interest and his willingness to
listen to my problems, academic and personal, are largely responsible for the
completion of this project.
The field research for this project was supported by the Foreign Field
Research Program conducted by the Division of Earth Sciences, National Academy
of Sciences —National Research Council, and financed by the Geography Branch,
Office of Naval Research, under contract Nonr-2300(09).
During my stay at the University of Michigan I had the pleasure of obtaining
experience and aid from the various faculty members of the Department of Geography
I am grateful for their advice. I am also grateful for the many hours of practical
experience received at “The Seven Plum Trees” and “Gosling’s Chalet.”
During the period of field research in southern Italy, I was welcomed and
received as a long-lost relative. It was heart-warming to hear several Italo-
Albanians say, “We are of one blood. ” Besides the host of new friends that I
made, I wish fondly to acknowledge Signori Alfredo Braile, Demetrio Mauro,
and Emilio Tavolaro, Padre Marco Petta and Padre Sofrone Prence.
This dissertation was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Michigan, 1960. My
doctoral committee consisted of Professor George Kish, chairman, Associate
Professors Douglas D. Crary and Ross N. Pearson, and Assistant Professors
L. A. Peter Gosling and Roy Pierce.